Why is Breakfast So Important?

Why is Breakfast So Important?

Why Eating Breakfast is Important Infographic

We’ve all heard the saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day!”

Turns out, it’s definitely true, but why? Well, let’s find out! 

For a lot of people, breakfast is an essential part of their morning routine. But for others, it may be something that can be easily skipped on busy mornings or when things are running a bit later than usual. Regardless of where you’re at when it comes to eating breakfast regularly, we’re here to tell you that breakfast is one of the best things you can do for you, your brain, and your body! 

Here at Mealfit, we are committed to helping others along in their health journey. From providing healthy, quick, and tasty meal options like our Weekly Specials, our Meals by the Pound, and even our recipe catalogue, to sharing vital health and wellness information through our weekly blog, we love helping others learn to prioritize their health and become their best selves! 

This week, we’re taking a look at breakfast and why eating breakfast is crucial to maintaining a healthy diet and giving your body the energy it needs to succeed! There are a number of reasons that justify breakfast as being such an important part of your day, but here are 6 reasons why you should do your best to eat breakfast every day! 



Image by Brooke Lark

1. Breakfast Encourages Healthier Eating.

Taking the time in the morning to get yourself a decent meal is actually a great starting place for keeping you and your diet on the right track for the rest of the day! Not only can breakfast help you reach your daily recommended servings of fruit, veggies, whole grains, and even calcium, but it also encourages you to manage your food intake in a more healthy way throughout the day! 


Image by Rachel Park

2. Breakfast Balances Blood Sugar Levels.

Do you struggle to regulate your blood sugar levels? You wouldn’t be alone! According to a study published in 2020 by the CDC, over 1 in 10 Americans live with diabetes while 1 in 3 Americans have pre-diabetes! For a lot of people, keeping blood sugar low is not only a difficult task to accomplish, but also vital in keeping up with their health. Luckily, eating in the morning helps your body better break down glucose (blood sugar),meaning it’s an easy way to manage blood sugar levels! 


Image by Ellieelien

3. Breakfast Kick-Starts Your Metabolism

After you’ve reached your mid to late twenties, odds are you’ve noticed a decline in how efficient your metabolism works. Depending on each person’s body, metabolism can play a huge role in weight management. If you’ve ever tried to lose weight and found yourself eating healthy and exercising constantly to no avail, examining your metabolism may be a useful next step to achieving results! The older we get, the slower our metabolisms become. By eating breakfast first thing after you wake up, you’re getting your metabolism up and working early! This is essential for keeping it in tip-top shape throughout the rest of the day! Skipping breakfast tells your body to conserve, rather than burn, extra calories, so even if you may not be used to eating in the morning or if you may be thinking that eating less food would help you maintain a calorie deficit, you’d actually do more harm than good for your body. It’s more beneficial to give yourself some food in the morning to burn energy better the rest of the day, so don’t opt out if you’re looking to reach a healthy body weight for yourself!  


Image by Ali Inay

4. Breakfast Boosts Energy Levels.

Similar to how breakfast can help to kick-start your metabolism in the mornings, breakfast is also essential in collecting plenty of energy to keep you going for your day! People who eat breakfast show an increase in physical activity throughout their mornings than people who skip it. It may be a great motivator to be more active in the mornings, perhaps even switch to morning workouts, and to regulate your energy levels throughout the entire day and prevent dramatic crashes in the late afternoon.  


Image by João Marcelo Martins

5. Breakfast Promotes Heart Health.

Just like how breakfast can help to regulate and lower blood sugar levels, breakfast can also aid in lowering blood pressure and promoting better heart health in the form of low cholesterol and other factors that contribute to heart disease. If we know that breakfast helps to kick-start the metabolism and tells the body to burn calories rather than conserve them, those who don’t eat breakfast tend to gain weight which contributes to high cholesterol and high blood pressure, which can contribute to heart disease. All around, breakfast is just a much safer and healthier option than going without.   


Image by Brooke Lark

6. Breakfast Stimulates the Brain.

Have you often found yourself groggy, irritable, and having a hard time focusing in the mornings? If you don’t eat breakfast on a regular basis, that could be why! Eating breakfast regularly can actually give you a mental edge! It helps to stabilize glucose levels that help your ability to focus, reason, and process information. So, keep yourself in a good mood and your brain sharp with a tasty, hearty breakfast every morning!  

Whatever reason motivates you the most, hopefully you have found the inspiration to set aside time for breakfast every single morning. It is a vital part of a healthy and balanced diet with, in turn, will keep you functioning at your absolute best, leading you to feel happier and healthier! 

We hope you enjoy this article for Why is Breakfast So Important? If you tried incorporating these things into your regular routine, make sure to let us know! For more recipes, follow us on social media and make sure to check out our weekly blog posts where we share our new favorite recipes and must-know facts about food and living a healthy lifestyle! Check out the other meal options Mealfit provides such as our Weekly Specials, Individual Meals, and other Meals by the Pound.



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