7 Reasons You Need to Be Eating More Bananas!

7 Reasons You Need to Be Eating More Bananas!

banana facts infographic

Bananas are definitely not new, but these facts about bananas and their health benefits may make this fruit something you reach for more often at the grocery store!

We’ve gathered together 7 interesting and important facts about bananas, as well as a few tasty recipes to try, to help you add more bananas to your diet.


1. Good Source of Fiber

Bananas are a great source of fiber! They are known for being high in potassium, but bananas are also high in something called “pectin” which is a type of fiber that can help to regulate the digestive system!

banana bunch

2. Gluten-Free

Eating gluten-free isn’t just for those trying to lose weight or have a gluten allergy. Gluten can really mess with a number of people’s digestive system, leading to a lot of pain, discomfort, and an increase in irritability, too. Bananas, however, don’t contain gluten! So, for anyone that may benefit from removing or reducing their gluten intake for whatever reason, bananas are a perfect food choice to supplement that diet!

sliced banana on cutting board

3. Low in Sodium

Aside from being gluten-free, bananas also have a very low sodium content! Like most fruits, the higher potassium levels is balanced by reduced sodium levels, making bananas a great tool in lowering blood pressure whilst getting plenty of necessary potassium! 

sliced banana with honey

4. Cholesterol-Free 

Being a good source of fiber, particularly soluble fiber, bananas offer cholesterol-lowering benefits that are helpful to those managing cholesterol levels! 

bunch of bananas

5. Fat-Free  

Not many foods are known to be fat-free and taste good. That makes bananas a pretty awesome fruit because they’re both without even trying! The natural sugars found in bananas aren’t nearly the same as sugars found in protein bars and other sweet treats, but are actually great for your body’s health, it’s no wonder bananas are a superfood! 

bunch of bananas

6. No Saturated Fat

In being fat-free, bananas also contain no saturated fat, something that significantly contributes to high cholesterol levels and poor heart health. Minimizing saturated fat in your diet can help promote better health, and bananas are a great way to do that!


banana basket with strawberries

7. Source of Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Finally, bananas are just great for you in general. They possess so many vital minerals, nutrients, and vitamins to boost your immune system, digestive health, and helps so many other important functions your body performs on a daily basis. Some of these essentials include vitamin B6, magnesium, vitamin C, and manganese.

Incorporating more bananas into your diet can be fun and rewarding with some great recipes!

We wanted to give you some inspiration to eat more bananas, so here are some delicious and easy recipes to get you started!


Guiltless Chocolate and Banana Walnut Ice Cream

Chocolate and banana ice cream

From Mealfit

Delicious Banana Pancakes

banana pancake stack From All Recipes 

Banana Pina Colada Smoothie

banana pina colada smoothie

From All Recipes. 

We hope you enjoy this run down of banana facts to help you lead a healthy lifestyle. If you tried any of the banana recipes we provided, make sure to let us know! For more recipes, follow us on social media and make sure to check out our weekly blog posts where we share our new favorite recipes and must-know facts about food and living a healthy lifestyle! Check out the other meal options Mealfit provides such as our Weekly Specials, Individual Meals, and other Meals by the Pound

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